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Beef Stroganoff
Serves 4-6
Alternative Ingredients are listed in Red

Qty Size Ingredient
2 lbs Beef Tenderloin
Bone-In Ribeye (prepared*)
Top Sirloin
½ cup Butter or Premium Olive Oil
1 lg Sweet Onion
4 cloves Fresh Garlic
1 cup Brown Sugar
oz Demi-glace
½ cup Beef Consomme
1 tbls Balsamic Vinegar
Worcestershire Sauce
1 6 oz can Tomato Paste
1 tsp Dry Dijon Mustard
English Mustard
8 tbls Red Wine
Burgundy, Sherry
16 oz Sour Cream
16 oz Extra Broad or Wide Egg Noodles
3 tbls Hungarian Sweet Paprika
1 tsp Salt
1 tbls Pepper

Set out Sour Cream to acclimate to room temperature.  Remove all fat and gristle from the beef, cut across the grain into strips ¼" to ½" square ¾" to 1" long.  Rub or toss beef strips in the salt, pepper and paprika mixture, then set aside for 2 hours at room temperature.  Dice onion and garlic finely.

Place 2 pats of butter in a large heated pan and saute onion for 2-3 minutes, cook until tender.  Drain and set aside, preserving saute juice in pan.

Heat up the same pan and sear beef strips on all sides while leaving center rare.  Remove and set aside, preserving juice in pan.

Add remaining butter to same pan, add prepared Demi-glace slowly while stirring to create smooth gravy, add everything else except noodles.  Blend well and let simmer for 20 minutes.

Boil water with salt and oil, cook noodles thoroughly, drain until dry.  Place mixture on bed of noodles.  Serve.

DO NOT let mixture boil after Sour Cream is added, it will curdle.

* The "prepared" qualification on the meat means 2 pounds after the meat has been trimmed and ready to put in the pan.


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